As you have probably noticed, we have recently decided not just to post articles on the blog, but also to discuss them in order to provide a better service for our readers. These articles are generally submitted to Researchblogging [MolBio Research Highlights joins] as we consider them to be an interesting contribution to the field of molecular biology; few blogs write about molecular biology in a way directed to scientists, rather than writing for the general public.
Unavoidably, however, this has resulted on fewer articles being posted on the blog, as reviewing and analyzing them requires a fair share of time (and we are all grad students).
To overcame this and continue with our goal of being the best site for highlighting selected articles in molecular biology, we have added a tool called "Around the journals" which you can access from the left sidebar. Through that tool, we will post selected articles from a hand-picked list of journals directly from our Google Reader, for them to be displayed on the blog as soon as we receive them. This will be an important addition as we will be able to bring to your attention more articles, from which we are sure some will pique your interest. This, however, does not mean that we won't sometimes display some of these articles as posts (which has the advantage of being part of the RSS feed) when we see fit. Also, we will continue discussing selected articles at length.
We hope you will find this tool useful and continue visiting MolBio Research Highlights.
Unavoidably, however, this has resulted on fewer articles being posted on the blog, as reviewing and analyzing them requires a fair share of time (and we are all grad students).
To overcame this and continue with our goal of being the best site for highlighting selected articles in molecular biology, we have added a tool called "Around the journals" which you can access from the left sidebar. Through that tool, we will post selected articles from a hand-picked list of journals directly from our Google Reader, for them to be displayed on the blog as soon as we receive them. This will be an important addition as we will be able to bring to your attention more articles, from which we are sure some will pique your interest. This, however, does not mean that we won't sometimes display some of these articles as posts (which has the advantage of being part of the RSS feed) when we see fit. Also, we will continue discussing selected articles at length.
We hope you will find this tool useful and continue visiting MolBio Research Highlights.

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