From the journal:
About the CoverHere's the key in case there are some you don't recognize:
Some members of the band of geneticists who established and extended the guiding principle of biology.
1 James F. Crow
2 Theodosius Dobzhansky
3 Ronald Aylmer Fisher
4 Motoo Kimura
5 John Burdon Sanderson Haldane
6 Hermann Joseph Muller
7 Sewall Green Wright
8 Carl Erich Correns
9 William Bateson
10 Carl Linnaeus
11 Frederick Sanger
12 Gregor Johann Mendel
13 Alfred Russel Wallace
14 middle-aged Charles Robert Darwin
15 Erasmus Darwin
16 young Charles Robert Darwin
17 old Charles Robert Darwin
18 Alfred Day Hershey
19 Francis Harry Compton Crick
20 James Dewey Watson
21 Oswald Theodore Avery
22 Rosalind Elsie Franklin
23 Max Delbrück
24 Salvador Edward Luria
25 Joshua Lederberg
26 Margaret Oakley Dayhoff
27 Linus Carl Pauling
28 Emile Zuckerkandl
29 Calvin Blackman Bridges
30 Alfred Henry Sturtevant
31 Thomas Hunt Morgan
32 Sydney Brenner
33 Seymour Benzer
34 Barbara McClintock
35 Thomas Henry Huxley
36 George Wells Beadle
37 Edward Lawrie Tatum
38 Edward B. Lewis
39 A bulldog
[H/T: Sandwalk]

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