Monday, April 26, 2010

So you want to work in Nature or other NPG journal...

As some of you may know, I have a deep interest in science publishing and a few days ago, I posted this question over at the "Ask the Nature Editor" forum.
I was wondering which of these two hypothetical scientists would have a better chance of entering the editorial team either at Nature or some of the other NPG journals.

a) Scientist with a recently awarded PhD degree. Published 2-4 papers during his/her formation. Works as an editor in a journal of a competing publisher for 1-2 years after obtaining his/her degree (the journal is one of his/her area of expertise). Applies for a job at NPG.

b) Scientist with a recently awarded PhD degree. Published 2-4 papers during his/her formation. Works as a postdoc for 1-2 years, publishing 1-2 more papers.
Applies for a job at NPG.

Both scientists are non-native English speakers.

What do you think? Who would have a better chance? Please post your thoughts!

You can then check Maxine Clarke's response here.

ScienceBlips: vote it up!


Maxine Clarke said...

I hope that my response was helpful!

Alejandro Montenegro-Montero said...

Yes Maxine, thank you very much!

el astudillo said...

I would choose the option b). I believe that postdoc experience could be useful in opening the mind to other areas (if your postdoc is in a different topic compared to your PhD), gives you contacts and talks with other scientists, attending conferences and listening to scientists to a mixture of topics, etc. And also publishing papers gives you that "sensivity" about what things can be done in a reasonable way (I hate when reviewers and editors ask something impossible).